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Pregnancy Yoga and Mum & Baby Yoga Classes.


 Pregnancy yoga & birth preparation classes for mums to be and mum & baby yoga classes near Rush, Lusk, Skerries and Balbriggan in North County Dublin 

Pregnancy Yoga

Wednesdays 7.15pm

Martins Shop, Rush, Co Dublin



Enjoy a healthy, relaxed pregnancy and prepare for a calm and confident birth with prenatal yoga. 

This class is specifically designed for mums between 12 and 40 weeks pregnanct.  


Classes include yoga asanas to strengthen and stretch, pranayama, or breathing exercises, and deep relaxation with lots of tips and advice for labour and birth.  Taught in candlelight, this is a lovely relaxing and calming class which leaves mums to be strong, refreshed and confident.

Mum & Baby Yoga

New Courses Starting Autumn 2019

Take yourself and baby out of the new mum 'haze' with a gentle workout for mum and fun and engagement for baby.  


This class focusses on re-introducing yourself to your core and pelvic floor after birth.  Toning the abdominal area gently, yet effectively.

It is also about learning coping skills for parenting and understanding that you are not alone on this unpredictable journey through motherhood.  A safe place to go to get out of the house, to socialise with your baby without getting exhausted.

Suitable for mums as soon as they're feeling up to it - usually 4 to 6 weeks postpartum.


For baby, this class features yoga, elements of baby massage and lots of bonding, kissing and tickling. Some quality time with benefits!

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